Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Best Friends

Today is my best friends birthday. She is the most beautiful person I know. We go back a long way and I don't know what I would have done without her over the years. My kids love their Auntie Dawn Dawn as much as I do. When I think of her and our friendship I am overcome with gratitude & my heart is filled with JOY. Happy Birthday Dawn!!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Our Family

As you can see I have a little ADD when it comes to creating....felting, sewing, paper, gluing. I had so much fun doing those little collaged tiles, that I wanted to do more (but not on the expensive slate tiles needed for our kitchen). These are on wood, and I wanted to do a little family tree. Mod Podge is the BEST! You can be as messy as you want and it just dries! I feel very lucky to have my family and this is hanging right by our front door....wonder when Clint will notice my masterpiece??

Friday, April 23, 2010


Hope everyone has a Happy Earth Day and does some kind gesture for Mother Earth! I did a little craft with Avery and her friend, with their handprints, as we talked about what their little hands can do to have a big impact on our beloved Earth. It is great to hear what a 4 year old already knows about reducing-reusing-recycling (well, maybe with thanks to Jack Johnson aka Curious George as Avery calls him!)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Collaged Tiles

So apparently I don't like to do much when the weather gets nice! My sister has informed me that it is time to update my blog. And because I love her so much, I thought I better do it just for her. My sister is one of the craftiest people I know, very well the next Martha Stewart (except for the going to jail bit). So here is something I made as I strive to be like her.

I love paper and have lots of it in my scrapbooking stash! I also love inspirations quotes. So I was digging around in Clint's shop and found these tiles, and made these little collaged tiles. Oh I had so much fun and now want to go get more tiles (apparently those expensive slate tiles are for our kitchen??) I just used Mod Podge (my new bff) and glued away. Good project to do with tiny hands around too. I gave Avery a kleenex box and some magazines and she kept busy with her own collage.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Shining??

So big news for my beloved town - last year Fernie was chosen as THE SPOT to film the latest and greatest movie Hot Tub Time Machine. As you can tell from the title, this is a movie that will keep you on the edge of your seat, applauding at the great storyline, definitely up for Film of the Year!! Okay seriously, us Fernieites were pretty thrilled to see Main Street transformed, John Cusack in town, and many locals had the priviledge of being an 80's extra!! Now that the movie is out and people all over the world are flooding the theatres to see it, us small town folk were wondering what kind of GREAT publicity Fernie would get. Little did we know that we would be compared to .... the shining?!?! Seriously?!?! Watch this video clip:

I have to admit, I did laugh through the whole movie, but this is one that you do NOT want your children to ever watch! And for those of you who have never visited Fernie, we are not like the shining! Here's a beautiful picture of downtown to prove it (wait, do I see a lone hitchhiker?)

Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy Easter Everyone

Overwaitea Foods in Fernie put on the best easter egg hunt ever at Rotary Park! Although as Avery put it - "This isn't really a hunt cause there are chocolates EVERYWHERE - you don't even need to hunt for them!" And she was right, my kids came home with a years supply of candy which is now hiding. The REAL Easter Bunny was even there, and every time Kaden gave him a hug he got another chocolate bunny. Hats off to Overwaitea for putting on this great community event!! Now if they would only pay for the dentist bill.....ha-ha!

Painting Easter Eggs

We had our good friends Molly & Liam over and painted Easter eggs. Give kids anything with dye in it and they love it. Kaden on the other hand didn't quite get the concept, as you can see from his egg!!